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Board Of Directors
2023 RSHF&M Board of Directors
Executive Director - Dave Sbaraglia
President -
1st Vice President - Reanna Zappavigna
2nd Vice President - Rick Cooke
Corresponding Secretary - Lenni Beer
Recording Secretary - Jan Norelli
Treasurer - John Nash
Brian Adey
Doug Arthur
Jon Baldwin
Mark Beer
Mary Jo Ciccotti
Mike Colangelo
Mike Calogero
Jeanette Dominic
Stan Evans
Bill Fleet
Fran Lisewski
Peggy Lisewski
Shannon McPheron
Valerie Mezza
Mary Ann Summa
Darrell Thomas
Sandra Williams
Associate Members
Mike Badoloto
Gary Bartell
Chris Bouton
Val Vinci
Todd Dewan
Paul Gigliotti
Sam Guiliano
Ryan Hickey
Debbie Myslinski
Richard Rice
Alissa Tuthill
Ellie Bruce
New RSHOFM Board Members Always Welcome
If you would like to become MORE involved with the Rome Sports Hall of Fame Board, we always welcome new members! The following is a list of responsibilities and expectations of an active Board Member:
Volunteer at events throughout the year
July – golf tournament
July – induction weekend/Honor America Days
Thanksgiving Day run
Participate and assist with special events, clinics, and awards ceremonies (3-5 times per year)
Attend monthly meetings (the third Thursday of each month)
Help with fundraising
Join committees
Assist with inputting data on all our sports memorabilia into our database
Please contact any current Rome Sports Hall of Fame member if you are interested in offering your services to our organization in any way.
You may contact our Executive Director Dave Sbaraglia at or by calling our facility at 315.339.9038 and leave a message and we will get back to you promptly.
Please help us continue to honor all of Rome’s heritage and legacies!